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Where are the scars after a rhinoplasty ?

After a rhinoplasty, there will always be scars inside the nostril. Furthermore, often, there will be a scar under the columella (thin part of the nose situated between the two nostril) (open approach). This incision is very frequently used in Rhinoplasty because it helps the surgeon to make a more precise job on the small cartilages of the tip. It will just leave a small scar almost invisible because hidden in a shadow area.

At least, if the nose need a nostril decrease, two other small and hidden scars will be in the fold between the alar and the cheek.


If a graft is needed, where will it be harvested ?

If a few cartilage graft is necessary (for a classic primary rhinoplasty for example), it will be taken inside the septum, without additional scar. But if the nose need more cartilage, it will be harvested in the ear through a incision behind the ear (the same than the one used for otoplasty on children). Ear’s shape won’t change at all. Finally, for compicated secondary rhinoplasty or for some ethnic rhinoplasty, the surgeon could have to harvest a rib cartilage through a 3 cm incision situated in the breast fold.


Will there be stitches to remove ?

Yes, mostly, there will be any stitches to remove under the columella (at the 6th day in general). Other stitches inside the nostril are absorbable.


Will there be packs inside the nostril ?

Yes, there will be small packs inside the nostril. Generally, it will be removed the first day by the surgeon, just before leaving the clinic.


Will I have a splint on my nose ?

Yes, mostly, a splint is placed over the nose at the end of the surgery. Usually, the surgeon will take it off after six day but, sometimes, he can ask you to wear it one more week during the night.


Is rhinoplasty painful ?

Not really. Actually, more than painful, rhinoplasty is uncomfortable because of breathing problems the following days. Anyway, if the patient feel painful, pain-killers will be efficient.


What about swelling and bruise ?

It is usual to have swelling during 2 to 4 days, and sometimes bruise for 7 to 10 days but it varies a lot from one patient to another. Usually, a normal social life is possible after 6 or 8 days even if a small oedema persists. Remaining bruising can be masked with cover mark.


When can I travel again ?

Usually, the patient can take train or car the day after surgery. He can flight again very quickly.


Can I wear glasses after rhinoplasty ?

During weeks folowing operation, you can wear glasses with an invisible plastic protection placed on the nose (the surgeon will give you this protection).


When can I ake sport again ?

The patient can make sports like running about 15 days after surgery, but for sports which have a risk for the nose such as soccer, it is better to wait two months. We consider the nose is completely fixed after 3 months.

How much does rhinoplasty cost ?

It is not possible to tell a general price for rhinoplasty. Indeed, it will depend on difficulties of nose job, needing of cartilages grafts or correction of a deviated septum.

Nevertheless, after consultation and a precise examination, the surgeon will give you a quote including private clinic’s rate, anesthesiologist and surgeon.

Where are the scars after a rhinoplasty ?

After a rhinoplasty, there will always be scars inside the nostril. Furthermore, often, there will be a scar under the columella (thin part of the nose situated between the two nostrils).

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For any informations, do not hesitate to contact us. The secretary speaks fluently English and will be delighted to answer your questions.

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75116 Paris - Place Victor Hugo
Tel 01 45 53 57 57 - Fax 01 47 55 18 60

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